NDIS Hydrotherapy
ndis hydrotherapy
Specialised NDIS Hydrotherapy
Tailored ndishydrotherapy uniquely designed to meet the needs of NDIS participants, promoting personalised care and well-being.
Discover the joy and therapeutic benefits of Hydrotherapy
Experience the holistic benefits of hydrotherapy, known for enhancing both physical and mental well-being. This enjoyable form of physical therapy utilises the unique properties of water, enabling a range of movements that may be challenging on land.

Hydrotherapy goes beyond therapy; it’s a relaxation method too. The heated pool provides a soothing environment, allowing muscles to relax, alleviating pain, boosting immunity, and ultimately reducing stress and anxiety levels. Dive into the therapeutic world of hydrotherapy for a rejuvenating experience.

hydrotherapy ndis
How it Works?
  • Hydrotherapy Sessions with Hoist Access: Take part in hydrotherapy sessions at nearby pools, equipped with a hoist for a secure and convenient experience. The hoist acts as a water chair, ensuring a safe entry and exit into the water for participants.
  • Skilled Therapeutic Activities in the Water: In the pool, our expert therapists collaborate with participants to engage in various water activities, including light physical exercises aimed at enhancing balance, coordination and strength.
  • Hydrotherapy for Improved Daily Living Skills: Hydrotherapy funding falls under the NDIS Capacity Building funding category ‘Improved Daily Living Skills.’ Qualified physiotherapists lead the sessions, ensuring professional and tailored support.
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