About Us

Pathwaycare Solutions offers personalized services in mobile allied health, disability support, NDIS services, home care, and labor hire, empowering individuals of all ages and disabilities to live independently through tailored care, diverse language capabilities, and commitment to service excellence.


Personalised Services

Pathwaycare Solutions provides personalised services for independence and goal achievement, covering allied health, disability support, NDIS services, home care, and labor hire.


Tailored Care

We prioritise tailored care and language diversity to support various disabilities and culturally diverse communities in Australia

Our services

Pathway Care Solutions is dedicated to providing exemplary care through Mobile Allied Health, Disability Services & NDIS support, Home Care, and Agency Staffing, forging a pathway towards enhanced well-being and independence for our clients.


Mobile Allied Health

On-the-go health care services that bring allied health professional to your location

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Disability & NDIS

Specialised NDIS and support services catering to indiciduals with disabilities.

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Home Care

Personalised services delivered in comfort of your home enhanching overall quality of your life

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Agency Staffing

Comprehensive staffing solutions tailored to your needs ensuring skilled and relliable personnel.

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Question & Answer

Check our FAQs for quick answers to frequently asked questions we receive.
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What is NDIS?

The NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme. It’s a new way of supporting people with a permanent and significant disability through giving them access to individualised funding, plans and support. If your disability means you need support from another person or equipment to take part in everyday activities and you are under the age of 65, the NDIS is almost certainly for you. The NDIS is being run by the National Disability Insurance Agency or NDIA.

How is NDIS funded?

The Productivity Commission estimated in 2011 that once fully operational in 2019-20, the cost of the NDIS would be about $22 billion a year. The NDIS is jointly funded by the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments, as outlined in the bilateral agreements for each jurisdiction.

Who is NDIA?

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is the independent Commonwealth government agency responsible for implementing the NDIS.

What is the difference between NDIA and NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme, or NDIS, is run by the independent agency – the National Disability Insurance Agency, or NDIA. The NDIS is one component of the National Disability Strategy which brings community, government and industry together to address the challenges faced by people with disability, and ensures they are supported by services such as health, education and transport and the wider community.

Why choose Pathwaycare Solutions

FlexChange Support

Experience Ultimate Flexibility: Dissatisfied with your support worker, caregiver, or therapist? A quick phone call is all it takes to bring about a change. We prioritise your comfort and empower you to shape your support team according to your preferences.

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Priority-Centric Care

Beyond Listening, Truly Attentive: At Pathwaycare Solutions, your priorities take center stage. Our services are not just personalised; they're customised to align seamlessly with your individual goals and needs. Your well-being is our ultimate priority.

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Swift Support

Prompt Assistance, No Waiting Game: Seeking help? Reach out, and experience swift responsiveness. No prolonged waiting or being overlooked. Our immediate response ensures your needs are addressed promptly and efficiently.

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Personal Connections

More Than Statistics, Personal Relationships: At Pathwaycare Solutions, we focus on personal connections. You are more than just a number; you are a unique individual. Our individualised approach ensures you receive care tailored to your distinctive needs.

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Seasoned Professionals

Experience-Driven Support: Our staff brings not only training and supervision but also extensive experience across various disabilities and conditions. Trust in the expertise of our seasoned professionals for comprehensive and effective support.

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Multilingual Support

Culturally Inclusive Assistance: Our diverse and multilingual team caters to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities in Australia. Speak another language? Our inclusive support ensures you receive care and understanding tailored to your linguistic preferences.

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